Miguel Soler-Roig
visual artist
Wish You Were Here... Until the End of Light

Wish You Were Here... Until the End of Light
I was fourteen, when Pink Floyd released their album Wish you were here [1] . I remember I bought the vinyl record, which I still have, and listened to in the afternoons at home, after school, while looking at the impressive photos [2] made by Hipgnosis.
By chance, or due to destiny, some years later I met members of Pink Floyd´s music band in Ibiza. Apart from their unique music, I found that they are really lovely people. They took me in their family and group of friends, as if I was part of them. It was an experience that reminded me of the saying, “When you expect nothing, you find everything”.
Summers have been the time for me to rest and relax in Ibiza. A welcome respite after a stressful year, but also a kind of inspiration for this photographic series. The themes I wanted to portray were loneliness and emptiness. Emphasising night shots, using sequences between twilight and the brilliance of dawn…. I really didn’t know what I was going to discover.
Day by day, light began to take form and shape and gradually what was just an empty space materialised into the “idea”.
Suddenly, I understood the real meaning of the series. Titled “Wish You Were Here…. Until the End of Light”, images that were born from emptiness and loneliness started to turn into “something”. Solitary spaces and empty landscapes reflect the absence of any presence. The void and hollow are obvious in the scenes, bringing light into darkness, showing a direction to follow within melancholy. Paths that led to a nostalgic travel, without return.
The energy of those particular moments, appear in every picture I took. In the very beginning, alone; afterwards, not so much thanks to the people who entered my life in a symbolic and metaphorical way and, as such, into my photographic project.
Thanks to the support of those new friends, my series started to have an identity, independent of the fact that I shared unforgettable and magic moments with them… like a coincidence in parallel universes, a sense that I tried to capture in my photographs. It was like taking part in Antonioni’s Zabriskie Point, and seeing how the “apocalyptic end” comes, when you have to make the most of the very last hours of summer.
During those days, I documented unforgettable instants. Now, I look back at them with the perspective of distance, of memories. Images keep on whispering me: wish you were here, so I wish you were here now, but also, I wish you had been there… in those unrepeatable moments, those unique places… till the end of light.
They named me Light. Although summer has passed, my new friends still refer to me as Light when they call and write.
I want to thank Nick, Nettie, Fire, Air, Flash, Lulu, Favor, Joy, Tina, Furious, Goldie, Rabbit and Ibiza’s infinity. They appreciate the fact that I enlightened their lives, but without them this project never would have been possible. I never would have been able to shine. Light has always taught me something. I would be a total ignorant in darkness.
Miguel Soler-Roig
[1] The last time the legendary band Pink Floyd played the song "Wish You Were Here" was the night of July 2, 2005, during "Live 8" concert in Hyde Park (London)
[2] The Diver is the title of a photograoh taken by Storm Thorgeson (Hypgnosis), at Mono Lake. It was included as a postcard in the album "Wish You Were Here".
Wish You Were Here... Until the End of Light
Tenía 14 años cuando Pink Floyd presentó el álbum Wish You Were Here [1] . Recuerdo haber comprado el disco, que aún conservo, y pasar tardes escuchándolo en mi casa, después del colegio, mirando las increíbles fotos [2] realizadas por Hipgnosis.
Por casualidad, o porque estaba previsto en el destino, años más tarde coincidí en Ibiza con miembros del grupo Pink Floyd. Al margen de su inconfundible música, descubrí que son personas entrañables. Me acogieron como uno más en la familia, dentro de su grupo de amigos. Suele suceder siempre así, cuando menos lo esperas, encuentras.
Los veranos son un retiro y descanso en la isla, un paréntesis de reflexión de los últimos meses, pero también un poso de inspiración para esta serie fotográfica. Los temas a tratar eran la soledad y la ausencia, con énfasis en tomas nocturnas, utilizando secuencias entre la luz de poniente y el resplandor del alba. No tenia idea de lo que me iba a encontrar…
Día a día, la luz fue cobrando forma y significado, y la ausencia se materializó en la idea. Entonces, comprendí el verdadero sentido de la serie: Wish you were here…until the end of light. Nació del vacío, acompañada de la soledad. Y la nada se materializó…, convirtiéndose en “algo”. Espacios y panoramas desiertos que reflejan un estado de alejamiento, donde se hace patente la falta de presencia. La constante lectura de la luz en la oscuridad, indicando una dirección a seguir. Caminos que indican la marcha nostálgica del viaje, sin retorno tras la partida. La energía de esos momentos se hizo presente en las imágenes. Al principio a solas, luego en compañía de personajes que fueron apareciendo simbólicamente. Gracias al apoyo de ese grupo de amigos, la serie comenzó a tener una identidad, además de compartir muchas anécdotas y captar el efecto que supone realizar encuentros en universos paralelos… como formar parte de la película de Antonioni, Zabriskie Point, sintiendo como llega el final apocalíptico al apurar las últimas horas de vacaciones.
Durante varios días, y en el transcurso de ese verano, documenté situaciones vividas, que ahora veo desde la perspectiva del recuerdo. Imágenes que me hablan de esos instantes y me dicen constantemente: wish you were here, ojalá estuvieras aquí; pero también: ojalá hubieras estado allí, en esos momentos, en esos lugares, hasta el final de la luz. Me bautizaron con un nombre para el verano: Light. El verano pasó, pero todavía me llaman y me escriben mensajes, refiriéndose a mi como Light.
Gracias a Nick, Nettie, Fire, Air, Flash, Lulu, Favor, Joy, Tina, Furious, Goldie, Rabbit y el infinito de Ibiza. Ellos me permitieron iluminar su mundo, pero sin ellos no habría sido posible realizar este proyecto, y sin su ayuda, no habría sido capaz de brillar. La luz siempre me ha enseñado algo. Sería un total ignorante en la oscuridad.
Miguel Soler-Roig
[1] La última vez que el legendario grupo Pink Floyd tocó la canción “Wish You Were Here” fue la noche del 2 de julio de 2005, durante el concierto “Live 8” en Hyde Park (Londres).
[2] "El saltador”, es el título de una foto tomada por Storm Thorgeson (estudio Hipgnosis), en el lago Mono. Se incluyó como una postal dentro del álbum “Wish You Were Here”.